The size of the penis is the main cause of many psychological problems in men. Confidence depends on the value of "dignity". And the branding is imposed on the relationship with women. The development of the strongest complex and fear of sex. Today, there are dozens of ways to solve this problem. Many advertisements and banners call for applying ointments and gels to the genitals and drinking expensive pills and other drugs. However, the effects of such technologies have not yet been confirmed. If it does exist, it will not last more than a few hours. Most men are already familiar with these methods, so we will consider alternative options for penis enlargement without the use of ointments, creams, or gels.
Non-surgical technique
To help men today, people have invented many techniques to make the penis firm and elastic. Their effect is long-lasting, allowing a man to forget his problems forever, without being confused about how to enlarge the penis without the "helper" in the form of creams and other ointments and pills.
Vacuum pump
Advantages: Effective immediately after application.
- The skin of the penis turns dark,
- Long-term use will lead to penile edema and reduced erection,
- This method is very traumatic and is not recommended for beginners.
The use of vacuum pumps may be one of the most controversial technologies, and its effect is very questionable. Placing the penis in a vacuum will cause it to swell. Microscopic bleeding causes poor erection. Many men say that using a pump will not produce long-term results. Therefore, you should only use this method if the desire to enlarge the penis without using gel or any other ointment exceeds the health risks.

Water pump
An analogue of a conventional pump that has recently appeared on the market. The device works in the same way, but uses water instead of air. The penis is only in contact with liquid, so this method eliminates the redness and bruises that occur when using traditional pumps. The hydraulic pump allows you to increase the width of your penis and make it thicker for a period of time. It takes about 20 minutes to use it every day, which will cause a good erection and swelling of the penis.
Extender, suspension, jelqing-manual massage
Another modern way to enlarge the penis without using pills is to stretch the penis in various ways. These include manual massage, suspension, and the use of devices called extenders. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand this before deciding on a procedure.
This is a modern suspension device. It consists of a rod with a spring and a long hose used as a weight to adjust the tension. This device needs to be worn for 6 hours a day.
Pros: The effect comes quickly-the results are visible within a few weeks. Ideally, the penis can be extended by 4 cm in length and 1 cm in width. The device is very suitable for beginners-there is less risk of harming yourself.
Disadvantages: The cheap model of the device can cause pain, while the high-quality one is much more expensive.

Jelqing or manual practice
This method is not suitable for those who want to enlarge their penis immediately without any cream and various equipment. If the effect appears after six months when using the extender, then through manual practice, the effect can only be achieved if the extender cannot be purchased. This option is suitable for young people around 22 years old-and the elasticity of the tissue allows you to change the length of the penis.
Advantages: It does not take a long time to exercise for a whole day, and exercise only needs a good warm cream to lubricate the penis.
Disadvantages: The effect can only be achieved after two years. The technique must be thoroughly researched and customized. If you practice improperly, you may be injured.
Cargo suspension
The method involves hanging a load on the penis for at least one hour a day. Quite tiring and difficult, because exercise should be minimized in this activity.
important!Many people who want to enlarge their penis without ointment try to hang as fast as possible-from 5 kg or more. It should be understood that the important thing is to gradually stretch, not heavy weight.
Advantages: You can hang any material at hand.
Disadvantages: It takes several years to enlarge the penis, and the method itself is not suitable for beginners, and it is very traumatic.

operation treatment
The most thorough and effective way to enlarge the penis without using creams or pills is to perform surgery. But here, there are also positive and negative sides. The operation involves cutting the ligament of the penis. Then comes the rehabilitation period, that is, using the same extender. It should be worn within six months after surgery. In this case, the best way you can count on is to increase the penis by up to two centimeters. In addition, any surgery has its risk of complications.
Which way to choose
Each of the above methods has its advantages and disadvantages. It may seem like a good method for some people, but it is completely inappropriate for others.
- Jelqing is suitable for those who have time to learn methodology and training.
- The effect of alternate use of hydraulic pump and expander is good. But it increases the penis, mainly the thickness.
- Vacuum pumps and suspensions are not suitable for beginners and can easily cause minor injuries.
- The easiest and safest way to enlarge the penis without ointments and creams is to use fillers.
important!It is indeed possible to change the size of the penis without surgery. But don't deceive yourself. Penis enlargement without ointments and pills will be trivial-up to 2-3 cm. Please consult your doctor before using any of the above methods.